Thea Mitchell

The Queen

Thea Mitchell as imagined by Rupert Ponsonby...

Thea Mitchell of Putney via Newcastle: Thea, as her name suggests is a ‘gift of God’ in Greek and an angelic creature. But whereas some angels are downright sluggards, reclining on passing clouds whilst painting fingernails and toes, our Thea is divinely different.


The lady is presently Queen of admin, floating around the office dotting our Is and crossing our Ts as she puts the computer systems through their paces. Even computers need Pilates and what she doesn’t know about blooming everything just isn’t worth the knowing. She basically runs us, hiding her Political and Sociological past in Newcastle in case we feel inferior.


Like Eilidh she’s a longterm admirer of the warbler Taylor and like Eleanor she’s swift as well – with a Great North Run under her belt, hardly a place for slouches.  


Chips ‘n curry sauce or Chips ‘n gravy are her special diet, and if PR had not lured her aboard, a career as a personal chef might well have beckoned. Her dream meal you ask?  Sushi followed by Christmas dinner with all the trimmings including gravy, and sticky toffee pudding. 


Thea is a sartorial shopaholic and her deep dark blue – a personal signifier – contrasts elegantly with her bright green eyes. 

What’s your drink of choice?

I love G&Ts and Rosé for the summertime and Malbecs and Cornish ciders for all other times. 

Thea Mitchell of R&R Teamwork